
camiseta selección española 2012

camiseta selección española 2012,
Democracy is becoming increasingly costly like petrol.
The camiseta selección española 2012 cost of elections from panchayat elections to Loksabha elections has more than doubled after each election.
2004 Loksabha elections had cost Rs.4500 crore.
2009 elections had cost Rs.10,000 to Rs25000- crore, more than the Obama election cost of Rs.8000 crore or $5.3 billion.

Political parties spent about Rs.1650 crore from party funds; about Rs1000 crore by Congress and BJP alone. Candidates of national parties are estimated to have spent another Rs.1000 crore. About Rs.2500 crore is the "unofficial money" or the money to buy votes and voters.

From where such huge amount of money comes? Who pays?

Corruption and black money play very significant role in financing each camiseta selección española eurocopa 2012 election. In blunt words, world's largest democracy is financed and run by corruption and black money.

Taxpayers are expected to pay their taxes honestly. camiseta barcelona There are choking and suffocating laws, fines, penalties to make them pay their taxes. But has any political party or so-called representatives of people ever been seriously investigated about their real net wealth? If not, why not?

Political parties act like political mafias. Party Bosses betray themselves as Dons.
Politicians are sharp shooters who shoot from their mouth. They fleece the people with their silky, slippery tongues.

With Money Power, Muscle Power, and Criminalization of Politics they kidnap democracy and subvert it for their own self-interests.

Corruption and black money are their most vital weapons which they use to grab, buy or steal political power. How can they give up their such vital weapons? How would they survive without them?

Democracy is only an evil for them which they cannot do without.

