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Having precision in the short game is the key to low scoring in golf. If you can land the ball within a close distance of the hole from inside 120 yards, than consistent pars and birdies are easily attainable. camiseta real madrid 2012 , This is where accurate pitching and chipping comes in. camiseta real madrid manga larga ,
Anytime a shot is about 40 to 120 yards from the green, you will most likely be pitching. As is apparent, the best club to use from this range is the pitching wedge. When pitching, set up the same as if you are hitting an iron shot, except when pitching you will have an open stance. This means positioning your feet as if you were aiming slightly to the left of the target (if you are right handed), but keep the clubface facing the target. Line up so that the ball is slightly back in your stance compared to a normal iron shot. In order to vary your distance with pitching, vary the length of your backswing. Bring the club farther back for longer shots, and vice versa for shorter shots. camiseta del real madrid manga larga , Just like with any normal iron shot, be sure to hit down on the ball; do not attempt to scoop it up into the air. .