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More often than not, people want to eat more and want to lose fat. Does this sound familiar? I know I like to eat and I also like the idea of being lean and mean year round. So, how can this be accomplished? Eat more frequently and lift more reps. The result of this concept is fat loss and a satiated appetite. How does this work? First, let's discuss eating more frequently. cheapest designer sunglasses , Your body is smart and fortunately it wants to survive no matter what. What does this mean to you when it comes to eating more and losing weight? Simple…if your body thinks that it is going to have to wait 5, 10 or 15 hours for another meal it is going to do what it deems necessary to survive. What that means to your body is save fat. When your body decides to save fat it stores it on the gut and the rest of the physique. It does this because it wants an adequate supply of energy in reserve (fat) because it doesn't think you will feed it when fuel is necessary.

When you eat frequently, your body realizes it is going to have a steady supply of fuel. This is a huge change that allows the body to stop saving fat. The fat doesn't just fall off; however, the body will stop storing an excess. The reason behind this is that it knows you are going to feed it. christian dior sunglasses 2012 , dior sunglasses , When the body becomes aware that fuel is abundant it realizes it doesn't need to stockpile calories in the form of a fat gut. Of course you can't eat 7 large pizzas a day and expect to lose weight. A reasonable caloric intake is necessary so the frequent meals/snacks will be smaller than that of the person that eats just lunch and dinner; but, the frequent feedings will keep the appetite suppressed. .

